演算法真是一件神秘的東西,唔知點解最近 Quora 硬係塞啲兩三年前老外以獵奇心態問傷民支唔支持黃黑、點解龍獅正苦治下無乜示威、同埋最近的移民潮之類的八掛問題。其中呢篇藍C話唔會支持黃黑嘅文章又真係寫得幾好
This is how liberty dies with thunderous applause
Why don’t you, a Hong Konger, support the HK protests?
Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord Lives in Hong Kong
Upvoted by Eugepar Tong, lives in Hong Kong
Updated 2y
Because 1) their demands have got fuck all to do with me; 2) they’ve affected me in a massively negative way; 3) most of the protesters are the kind of people I try my best to avoid.
Which one of their “five demands” will improve our collective quality of life? Is it the one which absolves criminals of their crimes? Or perhaps the one about calling a spade something other than a spade?
Lemme show you my five demands:
a) affordable housing like they have in Singapore
b) laws that require employers to pay living wages
c) standard work hours, or even a Right to Disconnect law like they have in France
d) education reforms that turn our system into one that is less stressful and more well-rounded, like that of Finland
e) improved access to medical services, and increased medical personnel
Took me about five minutes to come up with that, but tell me how mine isn’t better than theirs.
The rioters have defaced my city to the point of unrecognisable. I'm not just talking about vandalised streets, torched bins and such. It's the rise of post-truth politics, increased tribalism, and other toxic bullshit. Hong Kong is now a city where setting old folks on fire for speaking their minds is considered a heroic deed, but cops doing their jobs isn't. It's a city where respect for our fellow man extends only as far as this side of the Lo Wu border. Democracy has been replaced with Fascism, and people seem to be fine with it.
You'll have noticed by now that most of the rioters wear masks. They're also really into bullying people behind the anonymity of the internet. This is because most Kongers are cowards. When I was still in school, this was the kind of bullies we had. They will harass you in petty but constant ways that make it impossible for you to have a break mentally and physically. It involves things like hiding your stuff, spreading rumours about you, isolating you, and tilting you till you fight back, and then pretend to be the victim when the teacher asks questions, just to see you get into more trouble. I think it's called "reactive bullying" in professional terms. They're not like bullies in America, who are more direct and honest about it (i.e. “proactive bullying”), they punch you in the face , look into your eyes and want you to remember it was them.
Not that bullying is something to be celebrated, but I can at least somewhat respect the honesty of proactive bullying. Little cowards who don’t dare to show who they are when they’re fucking with you, while secretly thinking they’re “badass”, frankly make me cringe.
You know what else makes me cringe? Basic people. Make no mistake, most Konger youths over here do not have a single original thought or unique tastes. It’s all regurgitated bullshit they picked up at school or online. Most of them couldn’t tell you in their own words why the five demands are important, because they’re only in it to throw tantrums and feel like they’re part of something. If it weren’t for the protests, these people would be in Mongkok, getting their hair dyed brownish-blonde, shopping for loose-fitting T-shirts and tight-fitting leggings (yes, boys wear tights and makeup over here and think that’s cool), planning to visit Japan for the 100th time this month. Maybe gossiping about the latest hit tracks from boy bands who look like their hormone surgery in Thailand went horribly wrong. Or perhaps the latest Korean drama that makes the Twilight movies seem manly. They will definitely be asking the waiter for sushi (our equivalent of pumpkin spice latte, “live laugh love” signs and ugg boots) at a European restaurant.
These are the kind of people I went to school with. Utter cookie-cutter morons without a purpose to live, or understanding for ideas bigger than themselves. Is it any surprise the protests turned out the way they did?
I am reminded of a quote by Winston Churchill: the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. I’ve known these people for a lot longer than five minutes, and I can tell you if we start doing things the way they see fit, we’re fucked, all of us.
1. Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord... 1) their demands have got fuck all to do with me; 2) they’ve affected me in a massively negative way; 3) most of the protesters are the kind of people I try my best to avoid.
本文作者自稱「Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord」。根據有時唔太準的維基:「西斯(Sith)是《星球大戰》系列中的黑暗自由戰士。」
平靜是個謊言,世上只有欲望。 Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
透過欲望,我得強悍。 Through passion I gain strength.
透過強悍,我得力量。 Through strength I gain power.
透過力量,我得勝利。 Through power I gain victory.
透過勝利,我斷枷鎖。 Through victory my chains are broken.
原力将我解放。The Force shall free me.
教條睇落好似好黃黑咁,估唔到呢位「Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord」竟然乜都係從自身出發(正一自私精!),黃C對自己弊大於利,咁當然係反黃。
2. The rioters have defaced my city to the point of unrecognisable. I'm not just talking about vandalised streets, torched bins and such. It's the rise of post-truth politics, increased tribalism, and other toxic bullshit. Hong Kong is now a city where setting old folks on fire for speaking their minds is considered a heroic deed, but cops doing their jobs isn't....Democracy has been replaced with Fascism...
3. most of the rioters wear masks. They're also really into bullying people behind the anonymity of the internet. This is because most Kongers are cowards...hey will harass you in petty but constant ways that make it impossible for you to have a break mentally and physically. It involves things like hiding your stuff, spreading rumours about you, isolating you, and tilting you till you fight back, and then pretend to be the victim when the teacher asks questions, just to see you get into more trouble. I think it's called "reactive bullying" in professional terms.They're not like bullies in America, who are more direct and honest about it (i.e. “proactive bullying”), they punch you in the face , look into your eyes and want you to remember it was them.
呢一段描述黃黑真係入木三分。原來扮慘係叫做「reactive bullying」,真係長知識了。又,睇開荷里活青春校園片都知道,專門撩事鬥非「proactive bullying」的大隻仔進要係攞威要嚟溝女,呢啲又點會係普遍孱仔毒男敢做嘅呢?毒男無本錢、唔敢 proactive bullying(就算係做都要一群人蒙住臉去做,怕承擔後果也),自然只能扮慘 reactive bullying了。
Why was Hong Kong better off with British than with China? It wasn't having many protests back then.
Denise Chuk, Ph.D in Literature & Drama. Lived in HK & Taiwan. 3y
True. When Hong Kong was under British rule there were not a lot of protests. However, the reason is not because Hong Kong was better ruled or better off with the British. It is because when you riot in Hong Kong under the British, you get KILLED. Just google HK riot 1967. Then the police had the support of the British and the West of using lethal force to kill Hong Kongers because they were Chinese, so nothing to it. Now that Hong Kong is back to China, the West suddenly cares so much about “freedom of speech” and “police brutality”. Very interesting mentality.
4. It is because when you riot in Hong Kong under the British, you get KILLED.
話在龍獅政府管治雨下暴動者 get KILLED 好似誇張咗,但起碼今時今日我城的「黑警」遠較當年的真・黑警斯文。以往的真・黑警又點會就住班暴徒嚟打,黃黑唔好「身在福中不知福」先得㗎!
Why are so many people leaving Hong Kong, and where are they going?
David J Wong, Lives in Hong Kong Jul 5
Many of my friends have left Hong Kong or are in the process of leaving.
There are a couple of main reasons for this:
For my expat friends, they’re leaving because they’ve had it with Hong Kong’s zero-tolerance COVID policies, which are particularly restrictive for international arrivals as they require a 7-day stay at a quarantine hotel (previously as long as 21 days!). Combined with the city’s policy of temporarily banning airlines that have too many arriving passengers who test positive for COVID, traveling anywhere and then returning is hugely problematic. Many of these friends have not seen family for 2–3 years. They’ve had enough. As a side note, Singapore’s draconian COVID policies in 2021 led to a similar situation with its expat population.
For my local friends, they feel that Hong Kong has changed, and they feel they can find a better life overseas. In this group, most people I know have left for the UK, Canada, Australia, Dubai and Singapore. In fact, I had lunch today with a local friend who is leaving later this month. He said that he believes Hong Kong will continue to be successful as a global financial centre and a super-connector between China and the world. But the city has changed and it’s no longer the place he grew up in.
Interestingly, though, I’m also seeing an influx of new expats (you can usually tell because they’re walking around in exploration mode and gawking at everything. Expats who have been here for a while just don’t do that). I couldn’t tell you the numbers or where they’re coming from, but I’m hearing a lot of British and American accents. For me to be noticing, I believe the numbers of expats arriving are not insignificant.
5. For my local friends, they feel that Hong Kong has changed, and they feel they can find a better life overseas....the city has changed and it’s no longer the place he grew up in....
所謂「傷巷已經唔同咗」,講嚟講去咪又係講緊國安法等無咗周圍扮慘唱衰(即係 reactive bully)我城以至 Grandpa 的自由!
//Lemme show you my five demands:
//They're not like bullies in America, who are more direct and honest about it (i.e. “proactive bullying”),
//「reactive bullying」,真係長知識了X2
Swapping Hong Kong for Crewe: 'We won't go back'
//f her daughter had stayed in Hong Kong she would be "brainwashed". Yowin says Hong Kong's education system has changed drastically because children are now being taught the Chinese state-approved curriculum. She also fears the phasing-out of the speaking of Cantonese in schools, and that Hayley would be taught in Mandarin Chinese. "That's one of the reasons I don't want to stay in Hong Kong."
//She believes Hayley wouldn't get the "true news" on TV. "Maybe only fake news, you know? In Hong Kong, she might not be able to say whatever she wants."
On a high shelf, out of Hayley's reach, Yowin keeps a book of photographs of the 2019 protests called Defiance, including several showing violent clashes between protesters and police. When Hayley is a bit older, Yowin hopes the photos will help explain why they felt they had to leave.
"When two million people are marching on the street and the government still ignores these voices, you will find the city is hopeless," says Yowin. "Every time I talk about it, I cry."
//In Hong Kong, Yowin's marketing job was very demanding and she worked long hours. Eddie was a photojournalist.
//Eddie and Yowin know that they won't necessarily be able to earn the salaries they did back home, but they have a cushion of cash from the sale of their flat.
Yowin wants to work as a cashier or receptionist, whereas Eddie, who is taking English lessons, hopes to be a delivery driver. The recruiter offers them a 10-hour shift in a meat factory. "It's going to be like working like a robot," says Yowin.
個老公攝記要上英文班,在傷巷來記已經係「好打有限」。兩公婆緣路山旮旯,工作壓力都無細到 - 有錢都係全靠剝奪下一袋未來的樓價。
//In Liverpool, Christie has started teaching martial arts self-defence classes after hearing about similar incidents of violence involving Hongkongers and those who support the Chinese Communist Party. She shows the class how to block someone if they are attacked. "We need to have some basic skills for Hongkongers to protect themselves when they encounter this kind of situation," she says.
//on average each client is bringing £700,000 to the UK. Bidding wars have broken out, he says, with properties sometimes going £30,000-£40,000 above the asking price... is selling her apartment in Hong Kong for about £650,000 and has been on remote viewings of properties in Warrington, Cheshire, worth about £220,000.
//The recruiter offers them a 10-hour shift in a meat factory.
//"Around 10 guys chased me and one of them pushed me onto the ground," he says. He was kicked in his head and ribs. He showed us a picture of his face, covered in blood. The police arrested two people in connection with the incident, but the case has now been dropped.
"I'm angry and scared because it is in the United Kingdom, not in China. How can I suffer this?" he says.
//The police arrested two people in connection with the incident, but the case has now been dropped.
//話在龍獅政府管治雨下暴動者 get KILLED 好似誇張咗
刪除都成一百年前嘅事,上文引述的語境係 67暴動。
// 我外公都係海員工會成員,因為行船識得曾生,所以入咗東江縱隊
刪除活躍在香江 : 港九大隊西貢地區抗日實錄 / 徐月清編
刪除謝謝 bookmark 咗慢慢睇。
刪除真係有份打杖嘅我係唔會貶低,不過點解米佬軍方參謀部會揾班毫無作戰經驗,怎至訓練質素都成疑嘅楓葉國新兵嚟保衛我城?睇返當時文獻,米佬嘅crown jewel係李加坡,傷巷連皇冠邊嘅碎石都佔唔上。就算係李加坡,米佬嘅參謀官都on the record話亞洲人眼細夜晚睇唔到嘢,馬拉多山不利坦克機動行軍,輕度佈防就得。經果皇國軍幾日間就踩單車輕取李加坡。
// 不過點解米佬軍方參謀部會揾班毫無作戰經驗,怎至訓練質素都成疑嘅楓葉國新兵嚟保衛我城?
刪除// 連李加坡咁重視都簡單俾人攻陷,傷巷又點會有心守衛?
1. 自顧不暇。英國在歐洲水深火熱,無力派兵到東亞。
2. 前任(至一九四一年八月)駐華英國陸軍司令是加拿大人,可以拉關係。
3. 托大。增援香港是心理戰,希望令日本不敢進攻。派新兵是預計在香港繼續訓練,未想到戰爭在僅僅三星期後爆發。
4. 輕敵。以為日本軍隊過往四年的對手只是雜牌軍(中國軍隊),所得的戰場經驗不足以應付英帝國部隊。
既然中國軍隊係「雜牌軍」,又點能夠用「雜牌軍」來做 benchmark 執衡量日軍實力呢?
Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord 係老熟人了,佢之前既用戶名叫Danny Wong(Wang?), China/Hong Kong related Topic 下既活躍份子,睇過佢好多文章,佢應該係一個30歲樓下係香港讀Journalism,做埋記者同埋住係香港既人,而佢家庭應該同大陸有好深聯繫 (Maybe中港家庭? 單非?)
回覆刪除佢文章既風格其實係2019/20有一個好明顯既分界,佢一直熱愛寫政治/社會觀察,但以前既立場比較中間派,即係中/港政府既好壞兩面都會寫,而佢亦都會從不同政治陣營既角度去寫野。但2019年黑暴開始就堅定咁企係愛國立場呢邊,用佢出色既外文功底去揭露外媒/外國網友對香港種種充滿偏見同不實既報導,經常同立場對立網友筆戰 (外國網友為多,亦有外藉華人同台灣人,當然也有「搞外宣」既本土有青,不過D英文真係笑爆左咀XD)。
而疫情開始後,則重心放左落去抵抗外國對中國防疫既種種抹黑,但佢一開始其實對國內既批評係好尖銳的,佢有一篇講國內要強制學生為領導寫「感恩教育」批評得體無完膚,但奈何Quora太多對中國防疫既離譜偏見(其實最終咪又係講體制問題), 佢又同上面一樣轉身成護國寫手,喜提Quora頭號五毛/小粉紅美名 (佢自己都開左個Group叫” Wumao Clubs” HAHA)
有人講Danny係中共既網絡文膽(事實上Quora真係唔少頂住外國人名,長期高強度寫中國正面既野的) 呢D野我地當然冇可能知真假,但我更覺得Danny 既轉變係網絡討論日漸極端同墮落既反映黎。2019年前Quora講香港同中國既Topic係可以百花齊放的,同埋各自新聞既Source都寫得還算中立,但2019年後一黎眾網友立場已經歸哂邊,同埋媒體寫既野愈來愈明目張膽既具煽動性,加上多不勝數既謠言同陰毛論被大量轉法甚至成為不可質疑既真理,結果Danny呢D可能當初仲叫理性既中立派都被迫扯向一端,何嘗唔係大環境既寫照?
//更覺得Danny 既轉變係網絡討論日漸極端同墮落既反映黎
藍營話黑暴要奪權政變,我就認為太高估佢地,佢地應該遠遠未有呢個意識。雖然佢哋口口聲聲話要獨立建國,但實際上毫無建樹,只有破壞同埋製造敵人(溫和中間派應該係比較寬容、忍受程度高的一群人,黑暴都有本事挑戰到呢班比較易話為的人的底線,而將佢哋推向自己的對立面),完全看不出有任何大志可言(否則都唔會話「巷蜀之後將我城交給聯合國託管」咁荒謬)。事實上由於黑暴係由仇恨煽動而來,佢地要 keep 住個 momentum 自@都係要煽動更多嘅仇恨,製造敵人給自己令自己的「行動」有目地。明乎此就知道造謠、假新聞、歪理、漠視事實等就係佢哋維持自己存在意義的手法(換句話說,客觀理性就不是黑暴了)。
刪除你呢句令我諗起蛇齋黨班忠誠 object 出訪「外國」(東南亞)「講好傷巷故事」,結果又俾黃人笑佢地英文差。
其實Danny寫D野有時都幾深藍Tone的,有DD去到文匯大公既風格略嫌過左火位,但唔知係咪關母語羞澀(Shy of the mother tounge)事,佢用英文寫出黎係會順眼好多的 XDXD
//話在龍獅政府管治雨下暴動者 get KILLED 好似誇張咗
回覆刪除//都成一百年前嘅事,上文引述的語境係 67暴動。
新一單影響社會嘅就係假免針紙。連續拘捕幾個醫牲都依然有面書在推介 「假免針紙」呢類服務。
// the police had the support of the British and the West of using lethal force to kill Hong Kongers because they were Chinese
以原文語境來說,係講到好似當時黑警是有 licence to kill just because they(67暴動者)are Chinese (種族滅絕?),用語是比較誇張了。
//假免針紙。連續拘捕幾個醫牲都依然有面書在推介 「假免針紙」呢類服務
// 話在龍獅政府管治雨下暴動者 get KILLED 好似誇張咗
刪除// WILL君:7月9日開始放「菠蘿」,但在5月示威開始打後就已經有10位工人、市民死於「巷罌黑警」手上。
// Denise Chuk: Then the police had the support of the British and the West of using lethal force to kill Hong Kongers because they were Chinese, so nothing to it. Now that Hong Kong is back to China, the West suddenly cares so much about “freedom of speech” and “police brutality”. Very interesting mentality.
// 以原文語境來說,係講到好似當時黑警是有 licence to kill just because they(67暴動者)are Chinese (種族滅絕?),用語是比較誇張了。
愚見:原文似乎講1967年時,"British and the West"覺得Chinese lives don't matter,所以對殖民地警察殺人不太關心。現在關心警暴,是以雙重標準看英國殖民地警察和中國特別行政區警察。
// 最嚴重的羅伯案及火燒人案都捉唔到人,況且依家嬰尾勾豬噢都大開方便之門,可以預料將會成為懸案。
刪除//原文似乎講1967年時,"British and the West"覺得Chinese lives don't matter,所以對殖民地警察殺人不太關心。現在關心警暴,是以雙重標準看英國殖民地警察和中國特別行政區警察。
我自己就儘量評避免在完全不同的時間點、民情民智文化底蘊下作比較。根據有時不太準確的維基,監警會於 1986年成立,67暴動發生於監警會成立前20年,當時市民對自身權益與及黑警濫暴的認知應該唔多。甚至可能習非成是將黑警濫暴當成「佢地係咁㗎啦」(即係話順民多過刁民),萬一黑警真係恰到上心口先至會大喊「差佬打人啊」,訴諸群眾壓力(即無「鬧事」)來擺平事件,而唔會亦無法循官方途徑去投訴。所以以對半世紀前的「警暴」不關心,現在卻講「警暴」來話雙重標準,說服力好似差少少。同樣的邏輯再引伸出去,便會發生「我們現在講民族共融,所以『笑談喝飲匈奴血』的岳爺爺就成了歷史罪人」一樣。