(忽然,「砰」的一聲,辦公室門被暴力打開,一名戴着黃色口罩、身穿紅色低胸小背心、紅色 bra 帶和熱褲的少女衝了進來。)
「How gentle is the rain, that falls softly on the meadow.
Birds high up on the trees, serenade the clouds with their melodies.
How gentle is the rain, that falls softly on the meadow.
Birds high up on the trees, serenade the clouds with their melodies.
Oh! See there beyond the hill, the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us, just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms, and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful.
Now, I belong to you, from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry, through long lonely nights without us.
Be always ture to me, keep this day in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms, and say once again you love me.
And that your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful」
曾話過那天起 你已屬我 永不變
明白到各有各的去路 但我心中始終感到
能共你愛過 暖暖的令我自豪
曾在我心 如此深深愛戀中 遺下憶記在腦中
從當天起 永都不可忘記
當我想~ 想起你 仍像昨天一般深愛你」
(阿雪又發嬌嗔,乘機頑皮地用 pat pat 跟爸爸的褲檔打招呼。)
「我要靠近你 要咬你食你
快快靠近我 你太誘惑我
Come On, Come On, 聽我講
今晚我心快速震盪 皆因天生喜吃糖
甜蜜如軟糖 沒法擋」
「珍惜 親戚 老友 與舊同學
即管 千方 百計 策動娛樂
彼此 飲飽
吃醉 看著螢幕
東拉 西扯 口吃的我跟你講
親疏 真假 你我 哪樣量度
賞面 撐腰 接濟 兌現承諾
炒股 供樓 世界 過份涼薄
伸出 手板 眨眼的我想你幫
碌卡 要抱住 最大期望
碌卡 尷尬亦 切忌流汗
碌卡 過兩日 我就還
碌卡 (無內疚) 要抱住 最大期望
碌卡 (無自責) 尷尬亦 切忌流汗
碌卡 (零利率) 過兩日 我就還
還完又係你個死黨 碌卡」
爸爸:(連忙揮手)阿雪,我唔係咁嘅意思。「愛之深,責之切」,「任何規管及懲處只是手段,通向美善才是最終目的」,我都係想班手足可以 be water 啫!
「離開 這一刻感覺不會忘記
朋友 抱擁告別 明天各自遠飛
難得 並沒傷感 依依不捨顧慮
重拾昨天 樂趣一堆
曾經 每一天相約找美麗去
陶醉 美的故事互相勉勵去追
曾經 望著天空一起哭泣至睡
臨別說起 亦笑相對
別了依然相信 以後有緣再聚
未曾重遇以前 要珍惜愛自己
在最好時刻分離 不要流眼淚
就承諾在某年 某一天某地點 再見」
阿雪:(慷慨地)善惡到頭終有報,多行不義必自斃。「善者禎祥惡災殃」,我地手足共抗黑警,「那有驟雨並風霜」。爸爸,車公話要「慎言」,今日赤口你係咪唔俾我抦過唔安樂?總之你識做就給各位手足派返封電子利是,作為誠意金!今日唔準走出個 office,「閉門思過」!拜拜!
各位關心及愛護中大的朋友 :
CUHK Open Letter
Dear Members and Friends of CUHK,
A number of recent incidents on the CUHK campus that violated University regulations and potentially breached the law have aroused serious concerns from many CUHK members and the public. The safety and welfare of every CUHK member is a primary responsibility of the University management. We will not condone actions that breach University regulations or the principles of diversity and inclusion, nor tolerate any act that disrupts campus operations or brings disrepute to the University. Violence or illegal activities in any form are not acceptable. Irrespective of the number of individuals involved, we will handle each case in a most serious manner, in accordance with our educational mandate and established procedures, and mete out disciplinary and correctional measures with appropriate advice for counselling. The University is not above the law. It can neither defend individuals who are under investigation by the authorities for purported law-breaking, nor intervene in the investigations.
CUHK has entered its 58th year. Our more than 240,000 alumni have established a solid foothold in many parts and sectors of the world; our teaching quality and research capability have won international acclaim; and we have continued to spur innovations that address the rapid changes and evolving needs of society and the world. Over the years, we have overcome numerous obstacles and succeeded in transcending our core functions to arrive at what we are today—a university dedicated to civic responsibilities. Such success has not come easily. Regrettably, Hong Kong society was rocked in 2019 by chaos arising from deep-seated conflicts among members of the community. The University unfortunately found itself at the heart of this tumult as our campus was turned into a place of disputes and extreme actions. Some members were bullied. The campus was eventually occupied by a large number of unidentified persons for illegal activities. Some members were arrested and our campus facilities suffered extensive damage. These were heartbreaking incidents for many CUHK members. The concerted efforts of the University’s staff, students, alumni and other supporters enabled us subsequently to restore the campus and resume our mission of education, research and social service. The recent breaches of regulations and laws are therefore especially distressing, particularly those that led to the arrest of some of our students. We strongly condemn individuals, whether or not part of CUHK, who have maliciously labeled the University out of a wish to express their political viewpoints, thereby tarnishing the reputation of the University which has been built upon the hard work and dedication of its faculty, staff and students since its founding. We will thoroughly review and enhance existing measures while strengthening our educational guidance and our communication with students. We will work hard on promoting the spirit of diversity and inclusion, and re-emphasise the importance of respecting the law as part of one’s civic responsibilities. We invite all CUHK members to join hands and uphold the humanistic tradition and spirit that we so cherish.
We fully appreciate that different stakeholders of the University often hold different views and perceptions towards an issue. This reflects the inherent diversity of the University community. While we have made every effort to balance the views of different stakeholders, we have consistently and persistently deplored and condemned all forms of violence and any unlawful act. On or off campus, every individual must be responsible for their own words and actions. Society rightly has high expectations of the behaviours and ethical standards of University members. The small number of CUHK members who have taken destructively disruptive, or even illegal, actions cannot excuse or defend their behaviour by reference to whatever demands or purposes they might claim underlie their actions. They have to be held accountable for their own acts. There are established channels for University members to voice their personal opinions, but they must always be expressed in a lawful, peaceful, rational and respectful manner, and in such a way that individual rights are not violated.
In coping with the series of emergencies, our primary duty has always been to protect the safety and welfare of all our staff and students, and to safeguard the core values and reputation of the University. Once the crises had abated, we thoroughly reviewed and examined the incidents, identified our inadequacies, and proactively made redress and planned for the future. We have made every effort to rebuild the reputation of the University, restore the confidence of our members, and reinstate the campus as a reassuring and enabling place for staff and students to pursue knowledge and realize their goals. We are most grateful for the many comments and suggestions received during this period through different channels from our colleagues, students, alumni, and community members. We read and listened to each and every one of them and understand that even the harsh comments originated from a deep concern and care for the University. We all hope for a brighter future for CUHK. As an educational institution, the University honours its duty as a guardian to facilitate correction and rehabilitation, while recognizing that any regulatory or punitive measures taken serve only as a means to promote virtue and inclusivity.
The University introduced its Diversity and Inclusion Policy in July 2020, and established a Diversity and Inclusion Office so as to affirm our commitment to upholding these beliefs and principles of openness and inclusivity. Building on successful experience of other renowned universities, the Policy brings together and strengthens all relevant policies, programmes and units that are already in place at the University under a grand mission to promote and safeguard our core values of openness, civility and inclusivity. It is a testament to our determination to foster a diverse and enabling environment for all members of CUHK, and to embrace differences in age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, physical fitness or ability. It affirms our zero tolerance towards any form of hatred, bullying, violence, discrimination or harassment. There is absolutely no place on our campus for unlawful acts or activities. A diverse and inclusive culture, and a respect for the rule of law, are essential prerequisites for not only the healthy development of CUHK, but also of the entire society.
The times may be changing, but the mission and core values of CUHK remain the same. We are here to disseminate knowledge, pursue scholarship, serve the community, and to inculcate a sense of shared values. Let us not forget our motto - ‘Through learning and temperance to virtue’. The humanistic spirit we all prize is built on knowledge and focused on people, with the ultimate goal of benefitting mankind and contributing to the community.
Let us uphold the CUHK spirit and make a better future together.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Norman Leung, Council Chairman
Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President
Prof. Fong Wing-ping, Head of Chung Chi College
Prof. Hector S.O. Chan, Head of New Asia College
Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu, Head of United College
Prof. Freedom Y.K. Leung, Head of Shaw College
Prof. Nicholas Rawlins, Master of Morningside College
Prof. Wong Wing-shing, Master of S.H. Ho College
Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Master of C.W. Chu College
Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan, Master of Wu Yee Sun College
Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau, Master of Lee Woo Sing College
佻皮一句"年輕人又瀨嘢"真喺萬能。過年食品呢啲咁重要又time sensitive嘅嘢,仲要喺正餐,唔熟真喺唔好搞(雖然都只喺攞其他人貨)。第"二"供應商冇開名陰陰濕濕咁,都唔知喺唔喺無牌工場,最好拎去驗吓有冇地溝油大腸桿菌
刪除Wechat 唔用 (蝗), PayMe 唔用 (大貓)... 市場給首觸的選擇真係少的可憐.
刪除去米國"自願"做白老鼠,有四幻幾呀喂 XD
蝗國都冇做/唔敢做(大妓院:嘩活試病毒呀), 米國做到了!XD
//The study, which has received ethics approval, will start in the next few weeks and recruit 90 people aged 18-30.
刪除仲係要搵埋啲精壯小鮮肉去呢? 唔知之前阿唐仔有無資格報名??
刪除難為段爸連咁無恥的結語都寫得出, 完全見唔到校方有乜 walk the talk 的動作.