上月魔術師投資組合的「大事」就係尾帝商場房託 Washington Prime Group(WPG)發窮惡,hold 起2月15日到期的債劵利息唔派息,啟動30天的 grace peroid 去解決資金短缺的問題(逼債主 hair cut?),否則就攬炒(cross default)咁話:
On February 15, 2021, Washington Prime Group, L.P. ("WPG L.P."), the operating partnership of Washington Prime Group Inc. (the "Company"), elected to withhold an interest payment of $23.2 million due on February 15, 2021 with respect to WPG L.P.'s outstanding Senior Notes due 2024 (the "Notes"). Under the indenture governing the Notes, WPG L.P. has a 30-day grace period to make the interest payment before such non-payment constitutes an"event of default" with respect to the Notes. If an "event of default" should occur, the trustee or the holders of at least 25% of the Notes could accelerate the outstanding indebtedness due under the Notes, making such indebtedness due and payable, which would result in a cross-default with respect to some of WPG L.P.'s or the Company's other indebtedness.
WPG L.P. has engaged Kirkland & Ellis LLP as legal counsel and Guggenheim Securities, LLC as investment banker to assist the Company and its subsidiaries with respect to their continuing discussions with certain counter parties as well as other lenders within the Company's capital structure. The Company intends to use the aforementioned 30-day grace period to further said discussions. The Company expects to continue to operate in the ordinary course.
睇返市場,WPG 的 2024 債劵價格尚算堅挺,2021年2月26日收市仲有成70,唔多似會倒閉。不過點都好,君子不立危場下,趁高沽走輸少當贏亦為上策。
(圖片來源:IB TWS > WPG 5.95 15-08-24 ISIN: US939648AE19, retrieved on 26 Feb 2021) |
甲. 股票組合(34%)
1. 複式盈富組合
- 盈富基金(02800.HK):減持,微調投資比重。
2. 生活基金
3. 沉船基金
4. 強制性公積金
- 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 恒指基金:減持,微調投資比重。繼續月供。資金轉至滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 環球債券基金。
乙. 商品組合(4%)
1. 實物基金
iShares Gold Trust(IAU.AMEX):增持,微調投資比重。
丙. REIT組合(28%)
1. 個別股票
- 領展房產基金(00823.HK):減持,微調投資比重。
2. ETF
丁. 債劵及現金組合(34%)
1. 債券基金/ETF
2. 收息證券/ETD
- Washington Prime Group LP Corporate Bond(WPG 5.95 15-08-24, ISIN: US939648AE19):有違約風險,趁有價有市沽清,資金轉往老墨石油偽國企。自2019年6月3日買入計,連票息回報率為—9.98%。
- Petróleos Mexicanos Corporate Bond (PEMEX 6.35 02-12-48, ISIN: US71654QCL41):新加入,翻炒現有老墨偽國企債劵,資金來自沽清 WPG 債劵。
3. 強制性公積金
- 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 環球債券基金:增持,微調投資比重。資金來自滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 恒指基金。
4. Mortgage Link
5. 現金活期、定期存款(港元、人民幣)
1月:ATAX、STOR、BBDBCN 6.125 Jan15'23XY 6.95 Jul01'24、SM 6.625 Jan15'27、TOO 8.5 Jul15'23
2月:SBLKZ、PEMEX 6.35 Feb12'48
3月:16、778、DHCNL、GNW 7.625 Sep 24'21、PEMEX 6.75 Sep 21'47
4月:808、1426、ATAX、STOR、DELL 6.5 Apr15'38、GEO 6 Apr15'26
5月:2800、6823、405、87001、SBLKZ、WEWORK 7.875 May01'25
6月:DHCNL、AMC 5.75 Jun 15'25、X 6.65 Jun 01'37
7月:823、ATAX、STOR、BBDBCN 6.125 Jan15'23XY 6.95 Jul01'24、SM 6.625 Jan15'27、TOO 8.5 Jul15'23
8月:SBLKZ、PEMEX 6.35 Feb12'48
9月:6823、778、808、1426、87001、DHCNL、GNW 7.625 Sep 24'21、PEMEX 6.75 Sep 21'47
10月:3110、405、ATAX、STOR、DELL 6.5 Apr15'38、GEO 6 Apr15'26
11月:2800、16、SBLKZ、WEWORK 7.875 May01'25
12月:823、DHCNL、AMC 5.75 Jun 15'25、X 6.65 Jun 01'37
The Motley Fool: Why Washington Prime Group Stock Plummeted 29% Today(16 Feb 2021)
Bloomberg:Pimco, Emso Detect Default Risk Mispricing in Pemex's Bonds(February 18, 2021)
其實魔兄為何一定要每月出息,如一月出雙月息,二月無派息,又有何問題? 我理解魔兄應該另有一個6-12個月現金儲備作為緩衝,不會一個月沒有派息就斷糧
回覆刪除無錯. 其實是無問題的, 之不過每月有基本的收入,可以慎防某個月「洗大咗」(非必要就唔使用儲備「墊支」). 我依家都只係每個月收息都要達到一定「慘要」水平, 例如足夠供樓, 其餘生活洗費可以多除少補的, 就不用勉強每個月都要收夠數, 一個月多一個少都無問題.
回覆刪除同感, 唔好話好股, 好債都難搵.
刪除對不起, 如非必要(或令我有特別興趣), 我不會接受點唱式點評提案. 我睇債基主要睇有幾多係從本金派俾自己, 方法可參考《債基月息從本派?》
回覆刪除我係$95買, 謝謝您俾意見
sorry, 我無再跟進 WPG bond 的後續發展, 亦唔知佢俾你股換債的 offer 有無得 reject. 不過剛 google 了一下, 搵到以下「新聞」
刪除Washington Prime Group Announces Intention to Voluntarily Delist Common and Preferred Stock from the NYSE
如果 delist 就有股都賣唔出了. 俾着我債又好股又好, 通通變現再說, 資金流動性勝於一切.
留意買入價係 sunk cost, 贏又好輸又好都唔應理係應否賣出的考慮條件.