Common interview questions魔:(真)其實呢啲嘢都寫係俾新鮮人睇有用啲。好似魔術師呢啲上咗年紀嘅,主要都係講吓自己最 key 最 relevant 的經驗便算,基本上真係 high level summarise 吓份 CV 的第一版。老於經驗嘅,真係唔使點熱身的。
The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential - that way, you can craft your answers well in advance, and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.
Our expert consultants have identified the must-know interview questions and answers, to ensure your next interview is a success.
1. Tell me about yourself.
This is often the first of many interview questions, designed to ‘warm up' the candidate. Many candidates choose to respond with an overview of their work and employment history. Whilst this is helpful – especially if a manager hasn't read your CV in detail, it's important you offer new information, such as what are your hobbies outside of work. It's also easy to fall into the trap of waffling. Other candidates prefer to focus on a key aspect of their career, building a story around it with performance highlights. It's important to ensure your answer is aligned with the job description and advertisement, to demonstrate how you can add value to the company and role at hand.
2. What attracted you to our company?魔:(囂)好簡單。因為魔術師已經係財務自由,所以打工都只係為興趣,為滿足感,為發揮所長,而呢份工就啱哂呢啲條件。
This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you've done your research. Prior to the interview, read up on everything you can about the company from their own website, social media channels and other news articles and forums. Identify what stands out about the company's mission and values, and how that resonates with your own desired career path and personal values.
3. Tell me about your strengths.魔:(囂)Highly attentive to details,分析力強,觀察力強,寫又得,講又得,計數都得,得咗!
This should be the easiest question to prepare for. Identify two or three of your best attributes and give concrete examples of those strengths, articulating how they led to the professional success you achieved. Be sure to close the loop and articulate how they are relevant to the job you're interviewing for.
4. What are your weaknesses?魔:(誤)蝗話太普通;同埋因為「太叻」,所以會「以己度人」,對別人要求同時都高咗。
Take the time to craft an answer that isn't a cliché. Nothing makes a hiring manager cringe more than the answer: “I'm a perfectionist.” This is your opportunity to demonstrate your own self-awareness and desire for personal development. Try to identify something that isn't critical to the role, and frame your answer in the positive.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?魔:(囂)退而不休。
Your employer wants to see how driven and goal-oriented you are. They also want to check that your expectations are realistic. In your answer, demonstrate your awareness of industry trends and ability to be flexible.
6. Can you tell me about a time where you encountered a business challenge? How did you overcome it?子華神:(大笑)
Behavioural question alert! This is your opportunity to use the CAR method: Context, Action, and Result. Choose an example that demonstrates where you have solved a business challenge using a skill that the employer is looking for. Provide the background, describe what action you took and the professional result you achieved.
7. What are the most important things you are looking for in your next role?魔:(真)工作滿足感。
Start with your skills. Identify a skill that you exceed in and talk about how you are looking for a role that will utilise and further develop that skill. You should also explain your motivations and how this role can help you achieve your long-term goals. Always ensure that your answer is relevant to the company and the role in question.
8. Why are you leaving your current job?魔:(虛偽)合約期滿,尋找新挑戰。
It's critical to frame your answer in the positive. Never say anything negative about your current employer, no matter how strongly your feelings for leaving are. Instead, focus on the specific, positive things that a career change to the new role will bring, for example, professional development opportunities or the excitement of a new challenge.
9. What are your salary expectations?魔:(囂)魔術師早已經唔係為錢工作,而係錢為我工作。所以魔術師視薪金為僱主對自己的誠意金,當然如果你我互不相識,薪金方面絕對可以跟返你地公司的 scale 來定。
Do your research beforehand. Our Salary Guide can give you the latest salary trends and benchmarks. If you come prepared with reasonable salary expectations, you and your employer will know straight away if you are going to feel sufficiently compensated in the role.
10. Do you have any questions for me?魔:(真)無需預備,隨機應變。照計如果在 interview 過程中,大家彼此有問有答,其實魔術師覺得無需要刻意再去問嘢,簡單一句:「剛才我地已經傾咗好多嘢,都無乜問題了。」大不了就問下幾時知道結果之類的行貨吧。
It's important to come with a list of pre-prepared interview questions . Some of these might already be answered during the course of the interview, so check these off as you go, to avoid asking the same question twice.
If there are two things worth spending extra time on in advance of the interview, it's behavioural interview questions and interview questions for the interviewer.其實,成份嘢最令魔術師覺得不安的就係嗰種「工資奴」心態。要知道,打工又好做僱主又好,雖然話薪金同勞力係一買一賣的關係,但實情上雙方都係找尋緊一個可以合作的伙伴,做老闆的請着個能幹的伙計當然可以減輕自己不少負擔,打工的開開心心返工開開心心放工,maintain 住個 work-life balance 亦係最緊要的事。正所謂出嚟行,大家都係求財唔係求氣,好似山竹過後咁,打工仔無謂下下都要就住老闆扮矮人(反之亦然),咁樣合作關係先至可以長久架嘛!
Behavioural interview questions are commonly used by managers to understand a candidate's previous behaviour, as an indication of what their future behaviour might be like. While these questions can be tricky to answer, they also offer a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills. Check out the definitive guide to answer behavioural interview questions, which includes some clever acronyms to help you prepare your answers.
It's also worth spending time devising a list of interview questions to ask during the interview. It's important that you use the interview as an opportunity to find out if the role is right for you (as well as the other way around). Asking questions during the interview also demonstrates your enthusiasm and preparedness for the role.
When it comes to an interview, you can never be too prepared. Spending time carefully considering your responses in advance will bring you several steps closer to securing that role.
就好似學英文,成日話一句完咗就要句號。咁何一句呢?A complete thought 喎!
呢啲都係啲 model answer based 嘅資料,教的學的都是庸手。
刪除準備? 有啲HR唔知係睇你唔順眼, 定係唔想請人, 專問埋啲負面野要你解釋, 又講到你又無經驗, 要求太高人工, 呢度唔啱你架喎之類, 可以點準備?
//專問埋啲負面野要你解釋, 又講到你又無經驗,
「阿HR先生/小姐,我覺得商業社會,好多時都係俾面派對。所謂生意不成仁義在,就算我係做sales,要跑數,今日我賣嘅嘢唔啱你,sell唔到你,你拒絕便是,毋需浪費大家時間。畢竟呢個世界唔係得我一個有貨賣,同時呢個世界亦唔係得你一個客,大家和氣生財,豈不是更好。記住風水輪流轉,今日大家可能唔 match,但將來可能都有合作機會。面試都係一樣,同搵對象一樣,都係一個暸解對方的過程;而現在,既然HR先生/小姐你開到口話我唔適合呢間公司,咁我亦無謂勉強;就算你呢一題只係故意用來 challenge 我,不過你咁做令到我有 bad feeling,呢一間亦唔係適合我工作的公司。May I?」
乜都 say yes,有啲似前黃C上司請回來的心腹T。
刪除都有優點架: 集體不負責制.
講直接啲, 佢又嬲, 講間接啲, 佢又唔明....打工仔.....
香港人其實好幸運,現時失業率創20年新低,如果HR或是Line Manager 態度不好,怎麼可以請到好的人呢?
回覆刪除但係有啲HR/line manager真係唔認為自己同candidate係平等關係,而係存在有封建的階級觀念去睇求職者.
刪除//2. What attracted you to our company?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
//6. Can you tell me about a time where you encountered a business challenge? How did you overcome it?
//7. What are the most important things you are looking for in your next role?
洋腸:識得用pat pat打招呼嘅女同事
//10. Do you have any questions for me?
刪除//洋腸:識得用pat pat打招呼嘅女同事
HR 中女即刻走埋去用 pat pat 打招呼喇!
做HR最怕 conflict of interest, 若然真係咁做,要打定封辭職信。
回覆刪除唔係卦? 我曾在書店打過書釘, 有本係recruiter 爆料的書(書名已唔記得), 話recruiter係要同(機構)客戶打好性關係架喎!
刪除暫時起住稿寫摩摩電影節, 應該都要準備返幾日.
咳咳,有人話面試講自己短處時,最忌係“用短處包裝自己長處/明貶暗褒” XD
//準備? 有啲HR唔知係睇你唔順眼, 定係唔想請人, 專問埋啲負面野要你解釋, 又講到你又無經驗, 要求太高人工, 呢度唔啱你架喎之類, 可以點準備?
我呢幾個月見過份工真係極品,不過抱呢個態度唔係HR,而係upline manager.
//Do you have any questions for me?
//「阿HR先生/小姐,...May I?」
我最記得搵畢業後第二份工,其中一間既upline問我“What are the most important things you are looking for in your next role?”時,我其實一時唔知點答,就直接講真話:因為而家份工既工作性質完全無嘢學,令我好失望(點無嘢學之前解釋過),所以而家最緊要係離開先,而本來計劃被打亂,暫時都唔敢擺太多expectation落下一份工度。upline聽到點晒頭...
//咳咳,有人話面試講自己短處時,最忌係“用短處包裝自己長處/明貶暗褒” XD
刪除當然唔會真係咁講喇...例如我會話細心係我嘅長處,不過check 多咗嘢做嘢就會花多咗啲事間, 如果對未上手的工作, 未必能夠適當地 prioritse 到俾幾多「細心度」去做囉, 要花時少少時間去取得一個平衡點.
M到 (又歧視女性了)
對.韋小寶講過, 說謊的藝術是要講8成真話,2成假話; 所以周邊的事都是正確的, 你唔需要編故事去自圓其說, 只需要集中去 twist 個key message 就可以了.
其實呢個係一個好 valid 的理由, 尤其是係對畢業後無耐的後生仔來說.