2007年6月25日 星期一



Multiple Intelligences
Your Personal EvaluationThe Seven Intelligence Areas

Linguistic: 9
Logical-Mathematical: 11
Spatial: 5
Bodily-Kinesthetic: 7
Musical: 5
Interpersonal: 3
Intrapersonal: 9
A Short Definition of your Highest Score
Logical-Mathematical - the ability to use numbers to compute and describe, to use mathematical concepts to make conjectures, to apply mathematics in personal daily life, to apply mathematics to data and construct arguments, to be sensitive to the patterns, symmetry, logic, and aesthetics of mathematics, and to solve problems in design and modeling. Possible vocations that use the logical-mathematics intelligence include accountant, bookkeeper, statistician, tradesperson, homemaker, computer programmer, scientist, composer, engineer, inventor, or designer.

2007/06/25 10:17:45

2 則留言:

  1. 你好明顯是一個勁左腦的人!

  2. 唔係呀,見你寫啲嘢,左右都好勁喎!
